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  • Instructors may add links to site activities (i.e. Assignments, Forums, Test & Quizzes) on Lessons pages.

    Note: These links will automatically update to maintain links to published activities if you copy your course content to a new site, as long as you do not change the name of the activity. However, you will need to publish your activities in the new site for the links to become active.

  • Updated on: Dec 22, 2020

    What is the Lessons tool?

    Lessons is a tool that allows an instructor to organize resources, activities, and media on a single page. You can have as many Lessons pages in your site as needed. With Lessons, instructors can organize the course by unit, module, week, topic, or any other grouping that makes sense for the site.

    Each Lessons page can be customized to suit the needs of the lesson, including links to other site tools, conditional release of items and content, student content pages, LTI tools, and more.

    Some page layout features of the Lessons tool include:

    • Block style page layout to group items on a page
    • Multiple sections on one page
    • Mutliple columns in one section
    • Flexible column design (2 columns in one section block, 1 column with double width, and a variety of column background color)
  • Updated on: Dec 22, 2020

    How do I create a new Lessons page?

    Some institutions display a Lessons tool by default in the tool list on the left. If the Lessons tool is not listed in the tool panel on the left, you will need to first add the Lessons tool to the tool list.

    Instructors can create a new Lessons page or multiple Lessons pages.

  • Instructors can add an embedded video at any point in a Lessons page. The embedded video described here is a video uploaded from the instructor's computer to the Lessons page. (See How do I embed a YouTube Video in a Lessons page? for directions on embedding a YouTube video.)

  • A special feature of the Lessons tool allows Instructors to embed a YouTube video on a Lessons page without the need to copy the source code.

  • Updated on: Dec 22, 2020

    What is the Messages tool?

    The Messages tool offers a convenient way to send and receive private messages to other members enrolled in the course site. Each course site has its own Messages tool. For example, if you are enrolled in two course sites (Site 1 & Site 2) you will have two separate inboxes, one in each site. When in Site 1 you may send and receive messages to and from members of Site 1. When in Site 2 you may send and receive message to and from members of Site 2.

    The Messages tool is like email in some respects but the two have fundamental differences. The Messages tool does not use external email addresses. Instead, you simply select the person you wish to write from the list of enrolled site participants. Also, messages do not leave the system. They are not carried over the Internet like email is; therefore, they remain self-contained with the course or project site.

  • Updated on: Dec 22, 2020

    How do I view my messages?

  • Updated on: Dec 22, 2020

    How do I send a message?

  • Updated on: Dec 22, 2020

    How do I reply to a message?

    The Messages tool allows you to reply to a message sent to you by another member of the course.