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  • When you include video or audio content in your document, you must provide an alternative method for your audience to understand the content if they cannot hear the audio or see the images in the video.  You can improve video and audio accessibility by providing transcripts and captions, and descriptions of video images.

    Please contact your institution's office for Disability Student Services and/or Information Technology Services for students to get help with accessibility issues and instructors to get help with adapting their course content for accessibility.

  • Updated on: Dec 18, 2020

    How can I make links accessible?

    Assistive technology users use link lists to navigate content. This means they cannot rely on context to tell what a link does. Each link needs to be uniquely descriptive of what it does. The best place to uniquely identify a link is in the link text. Good examples are: "View Assignment 34," "Visit Entomological Society of America," etc.

  • Updated on: Dec 18, 2020

    How can I make images more accessible?

    Users with some disabilities will be unable to see images and/or comprehend what they are meant to convey.  Alternative Text can help give context and meaning to an image.

  • Updated on: Dec 18, 2020

    How can I make tables more accessible?

    Users of screen readers cannot read tables the same way sighted users do. Sighted users can tell at a glance what column and row a given cell is associated with, but a screen reader user needs a properly coded table. To make tables usable, additional steps will need to be taken to make them accessible.

  • Everybody experiences the world, including content they access on the internet, in their own way.  How someone experiences content on the internet can be vastly different depending on the computer or device and size of the screen on which they view it, and how they interact with it.

    For example, while some people read text and interpret images they view, others use assistive technology to listen to content using a screen reader.  Meanwhile, some people click on links using a mouse or similar device, while others navigate using a keyboard or by tapping on touch screens.

    Improving the accessibility of content is about reducing basic barriers to comprehension, such as providing alternative text for images, so that those who cannot see the images can grasp their meaning.  Similarly, making captions or transcript text available for a video file can make it accessible to someone who cannot hear audio.

    For more technical information about making content accessible, see What are some guidelines for making content accessible?

  • Sakai uses a single consistent Rich-Text Editor across all areas where text can be added that is more than a few lines. This editor is based on the most recent stable version of the CKEditor.

    When creating content using the Rich-Text Editor, it is important that the author follow the simple guidelines below to ensure that the content can be read and understood by all. Creating well-structured and accessible content is a best practice which ensures that content is compatible with assistive devices, such as screen readers, and robust enough to be copied and pasted to other contexts or presented in unanticipated contexts.  Making content accessible is also a legal requirement.

    The Rich-Text Editor's Accessibility Checker feature can help you check your content for accessibility issues and edit it to fix them.

    The technical measure of accessibility for a web-based resource is the WCAG 2.0 standard from the W3C. The requirements of the WCAG 2.0 are summarized in the four-letter acronym POUR:

    • Perceivable - Information must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.
    • Operable - User interface components, navigation and structure must be operable.
    • Understandable - Information and the operation of user interface must be understandable, and structural elements should be used in a meaningful way.
    • Robust - Content must be robust enough so that it can be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of technologies, including assistive technologies.

    These relatively simple considerations make a big difference if applied when content is created. The W3C provides more information in their Introduction to Understanding WCAG 2.0.

  • Updated on: Dec 18, 2020

    Accessibility Information

    Sakai is a Learning Management System created to assist faculty and students by providing online tools for communication, assessment, content delivery, etc.

    Sakai is composed of sites, and each site has a number of tools selected by the site creator. There is also a special site, My Workspace, private to you, where you can access personal information and change your settings.

    This document is assistive technology agnostic and will briefly describe the different areas of the interface, point out how they are implemented for accessibility, and go into more depth where extra assistance may be needed.

    If you need specific help with your assistive technology, please contact your institution's office for Disability Student Services and/or Information Technology Services.

    For additional information visit the Accessibility Working Group on the Confluence Wiki.

    Note: The content depicted in images on this page may differ from what you experience, due to your institutions customization of Sakai.

  • Updated on: Dec 17, 2020

    How do I add participants to my site?

  • Updated on: Dec 17, 2020

    How do I add participants to my site?

    Manual Faculty Guide
  • Updated on: Dec 17, 2020

    How do I add participants to my site?

    Manual Sakai Basics